What's in our Marketing tool box

Marketing innovation and strategy literally come straight out of the imagination of your marketer ... his or her experience is the guiding factor.
With 5 decades of running successful businesses behind us, and more than a decade of running this marketing agency in Hermanus ... I think it's fair to say, "We have the exprience and the imagination".
The only other things we need to do the job are the tools.
Fortunately for you, technology has given us the freedom to explore and exploit a whole new world of full colour multi-media ... at a sensible price.

It's a world of digital possibility
1st prize ... VIDEO

At its' root, marketing has always been about spreading the story of your products to as many people as possible.
The way to tell a complex story succinctly is with moving pictures. Moving pictures have been around for centuries ... incredibly expensive and way out of everone's league ...
Now we have technology driven micro-tools, AI, powerful personal computers, super fast internet ... it has brought costs crashing down.
The world of animated marketing is available, affordable and crystal clear ... delivered to your customers personally ... throughout the entire planet ... directly onto their cell phone.

Now ... just imagine your products

Here's a list of our normal passive content types. Just take a moment to imagine where you would use a selection of these to promote your business or that new product...
1.   Still Image             ... is still used but
2.   Animated Image     ... is the most popular
3.   Short Video reels   ... the most effective
4.   Vlog Web-Media   ... the most informative
5.   Product Video         ... the most complex
6.   Website Design       ... the whole story
I bet some ideas are floating through your mind already ... but let's take a closer look at one style that is often forgotten ... the VLOG ... originally a "video log"

The Vlog is effective marketing
that's routinely overlooked

The best example of a useful Vlog is a filmed interview between a professional presenter and a business owner promoting his business or products.
The edited result is always posted onto YouTube because this platform gives you the best viewing experience (no stuttering).
In addition a post would be placed on all of your other media channels, plus an item on your website.
It's an effective style of communication used extensively by YouTube content creators. The key word here is "Communication"
Marketing is all about communicating your business and product information to potential customers ... what better way to talk to those customers and describe your products.

Now, let's take a look at
next generation Vlog advertising

On-line versions of newspapers and magazines are flourishing. They often have readerships and followers in the tens of thousands.
If you place an ad' in one of those on-line publications, you often get a "Clickable" link from your ad' as part of the deal ... by default, tapping the ad' image takes you to your website.
BUT - that link doesn't have to go to your website ... we're talking internet here ... a link can take you anywhere ... like your Vlog on YouTube for example ... all you need is the URL.
Suddenly and effortlessly you could leverage that magazine readership to reach a whole new customer base.

Tap the photo above,
you'll see what I mean

(Go take a look. You can come back here after)

OK ... now let's talk about
ACTIVE marketing

ACTIVE marketing is all about creating a great retail experience ... which you need to do, even if you are an accountant or lawyer!
Giving your customers and clients a pleasant and memorable retail experience is your MOST IMPORTANT marketing activity, among many.
This is where Aktileda can really help you out.

Up close and personal
with your customers

When it comes to creating a great retail experience, the best way to showcase your venue or introduce a new product is with a product ACTIVATION ... more commonly known as the promo event.
The best people to make these happen are experienced PROMOTERS.
These guys not only look good (we have a model with a decade of experience) but they are on our staff and given extensive product training before each event.

If you can afford an activation
then you must be successful!

A product activation is the ultimate retail experience for your customers or clients.
An activation (done correctly) will elevate the perception of your business into the stratosphere of tasteful and glamorous success.
If people believe that your business is booming, they will want to come and find out why for themselves ... it's human nature ... an activation gives them the perfect opportunity.

Nothing breeds success
better than success

ACTIVE Marketing comes in many different forms. It covers every facet of your business from the visual style of your venue to the choice and packaging of your products.
It's impossible to say what you might need until we know who you are and what you offer ... marketing is a bespoke art.
A couple of things you may have noticed by now:
1.   With our super wide range of services we are far and away ahead of your average social media marketing agency.
2.   We apply that range of services with imagination and style, giving business solutions that others don't think of.
3.   We work hard to stay at the leading edge of data technology. We use that technology (with a large dose of experience) to support and promote our client's business.
4.   We don't do techno-jargon B-S ... we do marketing

Now let's talk about value

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