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Let's get to grips with your media

We'll clear the decks and start at the beginning
Aktileda does not deal in technical jargon. Let's be clear on this. Techno-babble doesn't get customers through your door ... honest hard working marketing does! So let's ditch the usual confusing techno-jargon lectures you get from other marketing companies, and get on shall we...
Marketing is not business rescue!
The goal of passive marketing and media management is to establish and maintain your business on-line media presence. But remember, marketing can only support and uplift a potentially successful business, and nothing more.
Passive Marketing definition:
Passive marketing is a fixed source of information that confirms the decision of an already interested potential customer, to come to a business like yours.
Think about it...
You don't go looking for a tool shop until you need to buy some tools ... which means the decision to become a customer was made before you started looking at tool shop marketing.
Remember, you are dealing with humans...
Your customers are not robots, they are human, so your marketing must always follow 3 rules:
1.     Because people only go looking for something when they need it, your marketing must be placed exactly where they expect find it.
2.     Humans forget ... quickly, so they must be reminded ... often!
3.     Humans will only do business with people they trust, so your content must always be honest and truthful.

OK, so passive marketing is...?
Passive marketing is your website, your social media and your newsprint. It's everything that goes together to create a fixed store of information about your business that's really easy to find. It is the foundation of all your marketing activites.
It is your media presence.

Your media management...
Everything in your official on-line store of business information must be renewed and up-dated accurately and regularly. This is media management ... continually up-dating your website, creating your new media posts, creating your new newsprint adverts.
Effective passive marketing needs constant maintainance!
Managing all this media can be a huge task ... which of-course, is why businesses employ marketing companies like us to do the donkey work - AND - we have the technology to do it efficiently!